Uber Eats is an app for ordering and delivering food
Automatic orders
Demanded by the ease of use, because to work in Uber delivery does not need to put a lot of effort in finding an order, orders come automatically
Uber zones
Also on the map will be visible zones with a higher coefficient, where the courier will be able to get and take the fattest orders.
Not just
food delivery!
Go to the main page and leave a request
Go to Main page
UberEats doesn't require any special skills or training to get started. Couriers can start taking orders as soon as they complete registration and verification and have a thermos bag on hand
Couriers are usually paid per delivery, including possible bonuses or additional rewards for completing a certain number of orders in a certain time period.
UberEats may offer special bonuses and promotions for couriers that can incentivize performance and increase earnings
Bonuses and promotions
Uber Eats app provides an opportunity for couriers to earn. Have extra income by fulfilling food delivery orders at their convenience.
Opportunity for couriers to earn